How to Sheet Mulch your Lawn


A No-till method for turning areas of turf-grass into Garden beds


Useful for making beds in larger turf areas and also to get rid of your entire lawn at once in preparation for perennial plantings


Sheet-mulching has long been a common practice for creating beds and mechanically controlling weeds among organic & no-till growers.

I decided to use it on a residential level to kill my entire lawn —because for one thing— as a floral designer who uses primarily floral product I grow myself, I needed more space to grow flowers!

And importantly, because eliminating my monocrop turf grass and planting a variety of native plants & plants that support native pollinators will greatly improve the health of my tiny 1/4 acre ecosystem.

Scroll Down

for a video tutorial followed by a step by step guide


Because I documented the sheet-mulching process on my 1/4 acre lot, I was able to create a tutorial video to help illustrate some techniques for added efficiency in the sheet-mulching process in hopes of helping others smoothly implement these methods in their own growing situations.


2 Minute TikTok Tutorial

This video prioritizes speed for social media algorithms. For a slowed-down, step by step guide, scroll down!

 Step By Step Guide










 Common Questions

Does this work for all types of turf grass?

Does this work for all types of turf grass? aggressive rhizomes bermuda grass johnson grass

How long will it take for the grass and cardboard to break down, i.e. how long until I can plant?

How long will it take for the grass & cardboard to break down, i.e. how long until I can plant?

What time of year can I do this?

What time of year can I do this?

Is it “legal” to get rid of your entire lawn?

Is it “legal” to get rid of your entire lawn?

How is this similar/different than the popular “Back to Eden” Method?

How is this similar/different than the popular “Back to Eden” Method?

Can this method be used in areas with tree/shrub cover?

Can this method be used in areas with tree/shrub cover?

Are there harmful chemicals in cardboard used in Sheet Mulching?

Are there harmful chemicals in cardboard used in sheet mulching?

Is it possible to do this process on a sloped area?

Is it possible to do this process on a sloped area?

Additional Resources

Charles Dowding, No Dig